
Hello, I'm Felix the Ocelot! an RPer, enjoyer and streamer of video games, artist, and married to Storme the Cat!

I enjoy pop music, culinary arts, biology/zoology, and technology.
I speak English, and kindergarten level Japanese (including knowing my katakana decently enough.)


My username tag on Discord is fairymint#2334
I'm very chatty once in a conversation, though also tend to just vibe and introvert™️ when not.
🟢 Online – I'm home and on a Desktop! If I'm mobile, I may be on break from work or fall right back asleep.
⛔ Do Not Disturb – I'm online but overstimulated, and don't want to hear noises right now, or have my attention 'grabbed.' especially while watching or working on something.
Typically still check discord every few minutes, but this is not a 'leave me alone'/bad day status.
🌙 Idle – I'm probably cooking or taking care of chores around the house.
🔘 Offline – my device is probably not on, I'm likely at work or hanging out with friends. I may lurk like this if I'm not feeling 'social.'


Name: Felix
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday: February 2nd, 1992
Race: mixed (white/brown)
RP EXP: 2000 (script), 2010 (art/para), 2013 (tumblr/novela)
Art EXP: 8 years old, deviantartist at 13.
Other: ADHD, PTSD, Rheumatoid Arthritis
I’m happily married, and live with my husband, and our fluffy son, Cheddar, an orange kitty who we picked up as a stray at our old job.I work at a grocery store, usually closing shift, so am active after such.I was on T for 11 months until the pandemic shut down my informed consent clinic, halting my prescription.
My voice is very much in puberty mode (the equivalent of about 16), I don’t really know how to drive my Adam’s apple, and it cracks a lot. I’m saving up for top surgery.